You have reached the payment page for Thriftapalooza - Phoenix. By making a purchase, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions listed below:

  1. Phoenix Thriftapalooza is a two-day event on November 23-24, 2024. Set up will be on Friday (12-6PM). We will be open for customers on Saturday at 8AM-5PM and Sunday at 9AM-3PM.

  2. Fee is total for both days and is not refundable.

  3. Sellers can donate accepted items to our chosen non-profit if they do not wish to transport these items back home on a first-come, first served basis.

  4. No items should be left behind and thrown into venue dumpster, space should be left as it was found.

  5. Lessee agrees that only accepted and salvageable items will be donated.

  6. Vendors shall not pack up until 3pm on Sunday.

  7. Businesses agree to pay applicable taxes and provide tax revenue number if requested by facility.

  8. Lessee agrees to remove all items after completion of the event and remove trash from event facility.

  9. Vendors will forfeit their space if set up is not completed by Friday. There will be no Saturday set up.

  10. Spaces are 10' x 10'. Vendors can purchase additional space if space is available by selecting additional quantity at checkout.

  11. Drugs, firearms, and pornography may not be sold at Thriftapalooza.

  12. No stolen or illegal items will be sold at the Thriftapalooza.

  13. Tables, chairs, and power can be rented at an additional cost and purchased via vendor checkout link.

  14. Thriftapalooza is not responsible for any theft or sales tax issues.

  15. Spaces cannot be transferred without contacting Thriftapalooza staff.

  16. Food, bottled drinks, bottled water, home-baked goods, or snacks cannot be sold with out proper permits, licenses and approval from Thriftapalooza or the venue.

  17. If lessee violates any of these terms, they forfeit their rights to sell at future events.

  18. Fee is for both days and is not refundable.

  19. All sellers and vendors will receive 2 vendor passes that cannot be transferred or sold.

  20. Sellers must arrive 30 minutes prior to event opening, vendors can enter show one hour before doors open to public.

  21. We suggest that sellers and vendors cover their areas with cloth or draping after setup is complete on Friday.

  22. All vendors must agree to not use new plastic bags for customer checkout. Reusing plastic bags is acceptable and recommended.

  23. By making this payment, I hereby agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this contract.

For additional questions, email